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Item name Product Name Other name CAS No.
HEDP HEDP 60/90% 1-HydroxyEthylidene-1,1-DiPhophonic Acid Etidronic Acid, HEDPA, HydroxyEthyliDenedi (Phosphonic Acid) 2809-21-4
NMP NMP High Purity 1-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone 872-50-4
Bronopol 2-Bromo-2-Nitro-1,3-Propylene Glycol 99% BRONOPOL 2-bromo-2-nitro-1,3-propanediol 52-51-7
CETSA CETSA 70% 2-Carboxyl Ethyl Thio Succinic Acid 2-Carboxylethylthiosuccinic Acid 19343-85-2
PBTC Water Treatment Agent PBTCA/PBTC 50% PBTCA 37971-36-1
Zeolite Synthetic Molecular Sieve 4A Zeolite Sodium Aluminosilicate, Molecular sieve 4A N/A
PCMC PCMC 98% 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol P-Chloro-M-Cresol 59-50-7
PCMX PCMX 98.5% Low-Poison Bactericide Chloroxylenol p-Chloro-m-Xylenol 88-04-0
APSM Active Poly Sodium Metasilicate (APSM) Sodium Poly Metasilicate 1344-09-8
APG APG0810 Alkyl Poly Glucosides Glucopon 625 UP, Triton CG-110, Decyl Glucoside, C8-16 Fatty Alcohol Glucoside, Decyl-Octyl Glycosides Oligomer 68515-73-1, 157707-88-5
APE APE 98% Allyl Pentaerythritol Pentaerythritol Trially Ether 1471-17-6
AOS AOS 92% Alpha Olefin Sulphonate Sodium Alpha-olefin Sulfonate 68439-57-6
ALS ALS Series Aluminium Sulfate Dehydrate Aluminium Sulfate, Dehydrate 10043-01-3
ATMP ATMP 50/95% Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid Dequest 2000 6419-19-8
ABC High Purity 99.5% Ammonium Bicarbonate Ammonium Hydrogen Carbonate 1066-33-7
NH4HF2 NH4HF2 98% Ammonium Hydrogen Difluoride Ammonium Hydrogen Difluoride 1341-49-7
Vitamin C Vitamin C L(+)-Ascorbic Acid L(+)-Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C 50-81-7
BKC-80 BKC 50/80% Benzalkonium Chloride Liquid Dodecyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride (DDBAC) 139-07-1 / 8001- 54-5
BHMTPMP BHMTPMPA Series Bis (Hexamethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid)) Bis (Hexamethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid)) 34690-00-1
BZA BZA 99% Benzoic Acid Phenylformic Acid, Benzene Carboxylic Acid 65-85-0
n-BA n-BA 99% n-Butyl Acetate Acetic Acid n-Butyl Ester 123-86-4
CaCl2 CaCl2 90% Calcium Chloride Anhydrous Calcium Chloride 10043-52-4
Ca(ClO)2 Ca(ClO)2 70% Calcium Hypochlorite Bleaching Powder, Hypochlorous Acid 7778-54-3
GTCC GTCC Series Caprylic/ CapricTriglyceride Caprylic / CapricTriglyceride 73398-61-5
Carbomer Carboxyl Poly Methylene Carbomer 940 Carbopol 9007-20-9
Castor 100% Castor Oil Sulfonated Castor Oil 8001-79-4
CSF CSF 99% Caustic Soda Flakes Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2
C1618 C16-18 Ceteary Alcohol of White Flake Solide Cetyl Stearyl Alcohol 8005-44-5
CTAC Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride CTAC Genamin CTAC, Dehyquart A 112-02-7
CHED CHED Series Chlorohexidine Gluconate Chlorhexidine Digluconate 18472-51-0
Choline FCC Grade 50/ 60/ 70% Choline Chloride 2-Hydroxyethyl Trimethylammonium Chloride 67-48-1
CAA CAA Series Citric Acid Anhydrous 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic Acid 77-92-9
CAM CAM Series Citric Acid Monohydrate Hydrous Citric Acid 5949-29-1
CDEA CDEA/6501 Coconut Diethanolamide Cocofatty acid Diethanol Amide 68603-42-9
CAB CAB/CPAB Series Cocamidopropyl Betaine Lauroamide Propyl Betaine, Cocoanut Amide Propyl Betaine, CAPB, Cocoamidopropyl Dimethyl Betaine 61789-40-0
CMEA CMEA 85% Coconut Mono Ethanol Amide Coconut Oil Monoethanolamide 68140-00-1
CuSO4 CuSO4 99% Copper(II) Sulfate Pentahydrate Copper Sulphate 7758-98-7
DTP DTP Series Active Content 8~25% Detergent Powder Without Perfume Detergent Powder Without Perfume
Dextrose Food Grade 99% D-Glucose Monohydrate D-Glucose monohydrate 5996-10-1
Softener E90 Softener E90 Di-alkyl Ester Ammonium Methosulfate Ester Base Quaternary Ammonium Salts 91995-81-2
GERMALL II Nitrogen Content 19-21% GERMALL-2 Diazolidinyl Urea Germall-2 Powder Antiseptic 78491-02-8
DCCNa DCCNa Series Dichloroisocyanuric Acid Sodium Salt Sodium Dichloro Isocyanurate 2893-78-9
DCM DCM 99.9% Dichloromethane Liquid Methylene Chloride, Methane Dichloride 75-09-02
DCMX DCMX 98% Bactericide Di-Chloroxylenol 2,4-Dichloro-3,5-Xylenol 133-53-9
DB DB/BDG 99% Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Dowanol DB, 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol 112-34-5
DTPMPA DTPMPA 50% Diethylene Triamine Penta Methylene Phosphonic Acid Dequest 2060 15827-60-8
DINP DINP 99.5% Di-Isononyl Phthalate Plasticizer, Di-'Isononyl' Phthalate, Mixture of Esters 28553-12-0
DMC DMC 99.5% Dimethyl Carbonate Anhydrous Carbonic Acid Dimethyl Ester 616-38-6
DOP DOP 99% Dioctyl Phthalate Dioctyl Benzene-1,2-Dicarboxylate 117-81-7
EDDHA.Na EDDHA-Na 40% EthyDiamineDhephen Acetic-Na Sodium Ethylene Diamine Di-o-phenylacetate 16455-61-1
RFE RFE 99.9% Ethyl Acetate Acetic Acid Ethyl Ester 141-78-6
Ethanol Food Grade 99.5% Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) Distilled Spirits, Aethanol, CCRIS 945 64-17-5
MEK MEK 99.7% Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2-Butanone 78-93-3
EDTMPA Water Treatment Agent EDTMPA 96% Powder Dequest 2041 1429-50-1
EDTA High Purity 99% EthyleneDiamineteTraacetic Acid EDTA Edetic Acid, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid 60-00-4
EDTA.2Na EDTA-2Na 99% Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid Disodium Salt Disodium Edathamil Dihydrate, Cheladrate Dihydrate 60-00-4
EDTA-4Na Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid Tetrosodium Salt 99% EDTA-4Na Edta-4Na Tetrahydrate, Versene 100, Hampene 100, Hampene Na2 13235-36-4
EGDS EGDS Ethylene Glycol Distearate of Pearl Slice Kesso EGDS, Mackester EGDS, pearlizer 627-83-8
EB EB Series 99% Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether 2-Butoxy Ethanol, 2-Butoxy-1-Ethanol 111-76-2
EGMS EGMS Ethylene Glycol Monostearate of Pearl Slice Alkamuls EGMS, Mackester EGMS, Pearlizer 111-60-4
AEO AEO-7 atty Alcohol Ethoxylated 7MOL Primary Alcohol Ethoxylate, Peregal, FAE-7EO 68439-50-9
AESS Fatty Alcohol Polyoxyehylene Ether Succinate Monoester Sulfonate (AESS)
FMEE FMEE 70% Fatty Methyl Ester Ethoxylates 65218-33-7
FMES FMES 70% Fatty Methyl Ester Sulphonates 71338-19-2
FORMALIN FORMALIN Series Preservative Formaldehyde BFV, Fannoform, Superlysoform, Veracur 50-00-0 / 8013-13-6
HCOOH HCOOH 85% Formic Acid Formic Acid Ameisensure 64-18-6
FMA High Purity Fumaric Acid 99.5% FMA Trans-2-Butenedioic acid 110-17-8
GAA GAA 99.5/99.8% Glacial Acetic Acid Acetic Acid 64-19-7
GLUCOSE Food Grade GLUCOSE 99% Dextrose Anhydrate Dextrose Anhydrate, D(+)-Glucose 50-99-7
C5H8O2 C5H8O2 Series Glutaric Dialdehyde Glutaraldehyde, 1,5-Pentanedial, GDA 111-30-8
GMS 40 GMS 40/90 Glycerol Monostearate Glyceryl Stearate, Monostearin 31566-31-1
ROSIN WW Grade Natural Gum Rosin Colophony, Natural Resin 8050-09-7
SORBITOL Cosmetic Grade 70% Sorbitol Liquid Sorbol, D-Glucitol, D-Sorbitol 50-70-4
HCl HCL Series Hydrochloric Acid Muriatic Acid, Hydrogen Chloride (Acid) 7647-01-0
H2O2 H2O2 50% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 7722-84-1
HEC HEC Series Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose Hydroxyethyl Cellulose Ether 9004-62-0
HPMC HPMC Series Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose MHPC, E464, Hypromellose 9004-65-3
GERMALL Nitrogen Content 26-28% GERMALL Imidazolidinyl Urea Germall-115, Unicide U-13 39236-46-9
IPA Cleaning Agent IPA Isopropanol Anhydrous Isopropyl Alcohol, Propan-2-ol 67-63-0
IPAC IPAC 99.5% Isopropyl Acetate Acetic Acid Isopropyl Ester 108-21-4
C3H9N MIPA 99.7% Mono Isopropylamine Mono Isopropylamine 75-31-0
LA LA 88% Latic Acid (S)-2-hydroxy- propanoic acid, Dl-Lactic Acid 50-21-5
DEFOAMER Laundry Powder Defoamer 703 Washing Powder Defoamer, Solid Silicone Defoamer 63148-62-9
OA-12 OA-12 Lauramine Oxide Lauryl Dimethyl Amine Oxide 1643-20-5
LMA LMA 95% Lauryl Methacrylate Methacrylic Acid Dodecyl Ester 142-90-5
LAS LAS 80% Linear Alky Benzene Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Sodium Salt of LABSA 25155-30-0
LABSA LABSA 96% Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid Dodecyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid 27176-87-0
MNH MNH 98% Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate Magnesium Meta 13446-18-9
MgO Food Grade MgO 85%/ 90% Magnesium Oxide Akro-Mag, Animag 1309-48-4
MgSO MgSO 99.5% Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate Magnesium Sulfate 7H2O 10034-99-8
C3H6N6 High Purity 99.8% C3H6N6 Melamine Cyanuramide 108-78-1
C10H20O 98% Menthol Crystal (Natural) Menthol Crystal (Natural) 2216-51-5
NIPAGIN Food Preservative NIPAGIN 99% Methyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate Nipagin Methyl, Methylparaben [Usan], Methyl Ester 99-76-3
C3H6O2 METILE 99.8% Methyl Acetate Acetic Acid Methyl Ester 79-20-9
MGDA.Na3 MGDA 40% Trisodium Dicarboxymethyl Alaninate n, n-Bis (Carboxylatomethyl) Alaine Trisodium Salt 164462-16-2
MMA MMA 99.9% Methyl Methacrylate Glacial Acetic Acid 80-62-6
MINERAL OIL Mineral Oil White Oil 8012-95-1
DM2000 Pearlizer DM2000 Mixture of EGDS, AES, CMEA Pearlizer
MSD MSD Series Modified Sodium Disilicate Complex Sodium Disilicate, CSDS 1344-09-8
PENTA PENTA 98% Mono Pentaerythritol Penta Erythritol, Hercules P 6 115-77-5
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